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The light emerges, sudden and fierce, piercing the endless dark like a star born from nothing. It swells and pulses, not just illuminating but breathing life into the emptiness around it. Shadows twist and scatter, unable to hold their ground in its presence. The light hums with quiet power, a beacon of purpose in a place that had never known it. As it grows, it reaches farther, weaving the beginnings of a world, until the darkness is no longer a void but a canvas painted with life.

First Light – Matthew Webster

Egmont Overture – Ludwig van Beethoven

Both Sides Now – Joni Mitchell

Wondrous Light – John Estacio

Wind arrangement with limited percussion cues included. Percussion arrangements/sound design are available for purchase through their original designer(s).

This show requires permission to arrange which must be obtained from the publisher prior to delivery. Don’t worry, I’m here to help!